Solar Modules
A solar module or photovoltaic module converts the sunlight directly into electrical energy. The module consists of solar cells which in turn are manufactured from mineral semiconductor material, mainly silicon.
Depending on the type of crystal, we distinguish four types of cells:

Monocrystalline cells
The manufacture of monocrystalline silicon cells requires high-purity semiconductor material. Single-crystal rods are drawn from molten silicon material and sawn into thin slices afterwards. This manufacturing method ensures a relatively high degree of efficiency.

Polycrystalline cells
Polycrystalline cells, also called multicrystalline cells are manufactured with the help of a casting process where liquid silicon is cast in blocks which are sawn into slices afterwards. During the ingot solidification, crystal structures with different sizes are generated. Polycrystalline modules mostly have a blueish shimmer, the irregular structure makes them twinkle in the sunlight. They are slightly less efficient than monocrystalline modules.

Back contact silicon cells
This means monocrystalline wafers contacted on one side. Particularly characteristic of these wafers is a dark blue color, which is not interrupted by contact fingers and cell connectors. Thus the sun is more surface available and the cells are more efficient. This is also the basis for our Sunpower cellls.

Amorphous cells
Amorphous silicon does not form a regular crystal structure, but irregular atomic arrangements. It is created in a plasma reactor by chemical gas-phase deposition of gaseous silane. This saves both energy and material in the manufacturing process, which makes these cells very cost effective. Amorphous silicon cells are very temperature resistant and can be easily adjusted to individual requirements in terms of size, design and capacity. They can be connected in series at the same time the cells are formed, making easy to create panels in a variety of voltages. Most flexible solar modules are made of amorphous technology.
For the perfect design of your solar system use our checklist for PV systems. The corresponding modules can be found on the Online Order Platform.