Phaesun Off-Grid News - October 2016


To guest with OTTI
We were to guest with the "International Conference on solar Technologies and Hybrid Mini Grids to improve energy access". The event took place from 21. to 23th of September in Bad Hersfeld. Tobias presented our BOSS concept. It primarily handled about practical examples and what we have learned over the last 15 years. An important point was our cooperation with the University Hohenheim. Together we established a system that allows refrigerating milk to make it transportable. With an audience over 170 people we were more than satisfied. For more information please check here.


15 Years phaesunized!
Episode 2013: Introduction of the Off-Grid Experts Awards

15 years ago the cornerstone was laid in Phaesun Memmingen in the Allgäu. The anniversary year we use to tell episode for episode the story of Phaesun! In 2013 an Off-Grid Experts Workshop took place again in the town hall Memmingen. For the first time the “Off-Grid Experts Award” was lent. In four categories proposals could be submitted: product, project, picture and filmlet. The award went down well that we have maintained it and now it has set up as a part of the Workshop. We are looking forward to the next year, when it states “Off-Grid Experts Workshop 2017”! More pictures you can find on our Facebook page.


New employee in Sales
Since the beginning of October our sales team in Memmingen has a new member: Robert Pauli. We welcome him and wish all the best for his new task.


Internship semester
Jerome Möbus is doing his six months internship semester at Phaesun. All the best for him, too.

SRH Solar Winter School 2017

30.01. - 12.02.2016, Berlin/Germany
The SRH University of Berlin offers a practical training programme for solar entrepreneurs and installers with a particular focus on system sizing and the installation of independent solar systems, as well as the distribution and marketing around products for sustained power supply. The core of this programme is a two-weeks lasting intensive course at the renowned university, further parts are a structured Online pre- and review, as well as a traineeship with a relevant company. Please find information about the Winter School on the SRH Website